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The preface (including detailed table of contents) and three of the chapters can be downloaded directly from here for an initial evaluation.

Table of Contents

PART I: Foundations of object orientation
  1. Objects and Classes
    objects, classes, methods, parameters

  2. Understanding Class Definitions
    fields, constructors, methods (accessor, mutator), parameters, assignment, conditional statement

  3. Object Interaction
    abstraction, modularization, object diagrams, object creation, method calls, debuggers

  4. Grouping Objects
    collections, loops, iterators

  5. Functional Processing of Collections (Advanced)
    functional programming, lambdas, streams, pipelines

  6. More Sophisticated Behavior
    using library classes, reading documentation, writing documentation

  7. Fixed-Size Collections—Arrays
    arrays, for-loop

  8. Designing Classes
    responsibility-driven design, coupling, cohesion, refactoring

  9. Well-Behaved Objects
    testing, debugging, unit testing, test automation

Part II: Application structures
  1. Improving Structure with Inheritance
    inheritance, subtyping, substitution, polymorphic variables

  2. More about Inheritance
    method polymorphism, static and dynamic type, overriding, dynamic method lookup

  3. Further Abstraction Techniques
    abstract classes, interfaces, multiple inheritance

  4. Building Graphical User Interfaces
    constructing GUIs, interface components, GUI layout, event handling

  5. Handling Errors
    defensive programming, error reporting, exception throwing and handling, basic file processing

  6. Designing Applications
    discovering classes, CRC cards, designing interfaces, patterns

  7. A Case Study
    whole-application development



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