You can email us to request technical support for BlueJ, which is when BlueJ itself is malfunctioning. For programming problems, please use an appropriate forum (such as this one at Coderanch) instead.
Please do your best to solve problems yourself before asking for help here. Check the FAQ for answers to common questions, and try a web search if you can't find the answer in the FAQ. If you can't find a solution elsewhere, give as much detail as possible in the email and read the instructions carefully before you send it.
Please tell us which BlueJ version you are running (e.g. 5.0.2), and your Operating System (e.g. MacOS 12.1).
Describe the problem. Please include as much detail as possible, including the exact text of any error messages.
If relevant, state what you have done (including what you clicked on or typed) and what was the visible result. Explain how this is different from what you expected.
Please attach the BlueJ debug log file to the email. If BlueJ gets as far as showing the initial "splash screen" with its logo, or any further than that, it will have written a debug log. Instructions for finding it are just below.
The location of the debug log is normally shown in the "About BlueJ" dialog which you can access from the help menu, and there is a button there to open the folder that the file lives in. If you cannot see the About BlueJ dialog, you can find the debug log:
Important: Before you proceed, please check the fields above and ensure that you have supplied as much information as possible, in particular do not omit the debug log as it is usually essential for diagnosis.
Failure to provide the debug log will mean that it takes longer to find a solution for your problem.
Send the details in an email to