Additional projects

This section currently contains material for:

Chapter 4
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

Auction demo

A demonstration version of the auction project from chapter 4. An AuctionDemo class shows how Auction, Lot, Bid and Person objects interact to operate an auction. In addition, the augmented README.TXT file clarifies how to bid for a Lot using the object bench.


More on flexible-sized collections
Supplementary exercises

Supplementary exercises for flexible-size collections. The README.TXT file of the club project describes a series of exercises to extend understanding of object collections.


Even more on flexible-sized collections
Supplementary exercises

Supplementary exercises for flexible-size collections. The README.TXT file of the products project describes a series of exercises to extend understanding of iteration and casting with respect to object collections.


Weblogs with error codes
For exercise 4.35

Here is a text file for Exercise 4.35 containing web access codes placed in
a random order. It contains 2063 x "200" codes, 822 x "403" code and 864 x "404" codes.

This file was created and sent to us by David Brettell.


Chapter 7

Object-oriented command dispatch for Zuul
Solution for exercise 7.39 (page 198)

This is another version of the World-of-Zuul project, which is a solution to exercise 7.39. Here, the command dispatch has been re-written to make use of OO dispatch for executing commands, using a 'Command' abstract class and subclasses for each command.


Zuul with images

These are two projects which add the ability to the Zuul game to display images for each room. This is simple to do, and very motivating for students.

The first project (zuul-for-images) is prepared for image display, but does not actually show images yet. It can be used as a starting point if you want your students to add the image display code themselves. It contains a class UserInterface, that has a (currently unused) method

public void showImage(String imageName)

Any image in the project folder will be found.

The second project (zuul-with-images) is a working solution of a small example that
actually shows some images.


Chapter 9

Zuul with abstract class

The "World of Zuul" version with object-oriented command dispatch (already mentioned above in the Chapter 7 section) can also be used in context of chapter 9 to illustrate how abstract classes can be used to improve class structure.
