Class BlueJ

  • public final class BlueJ
    extends java.lang.Object
    A proxy object which provides services to BlueJ extensions. From this class an extension can obtain the projects and packages which BlueJ is currently displayng and the classes and objects they contain. Fields and methods of these objects can be inspected and invoked using an API based on Java's reflection API. Every effort has been made to retain the logic of the Reflection API and to provide methods that behave in a very similar way.
       +---- BProject
                 +---- BPackage
                          +--------- BClass
                          |            |
                          +- BObject   + BConstructor
                                       |      |
                                       |      +- BObject
                                       +---- BMethod
                                       |      |
                                       |      +- BObject
                                       +---- BField
    Attempts to invoke methods on a BlueJ object made by an extension after its terminate() method has been called will result in an (unchecked) ExtensionUnloadedException being thrown.
    • Method Detail

      • openProject

        public final BProject openProject​( directory)
        Opens a BlueJ project.
        directory - location where the project is stored.
        A BProject that wraps the newly opened project, or null if it cannot be opened.
      • newProject

        public BProject newProject​( directory)
        Creates a new BlueJ project.
        directory - location where the project will be stored, it must be writable.
        A BProject object wrapping the newly created project if successful, null otherwise.
      • getOpenProjects

        public BProject[] getOpenProjects()
        Returns all currently open projects.
        An array of BProject objects representing opened projects, empty array if no project are opened.
      • getCurrentPackage

        public BPackage getCurrentPackage()
        Returns the current package. The current package is the one that is currently selected by the user interface.
        A BPackage object wrapping the current package, null if there is no currently open package.
      • getCurrentWindow

        public javafx.stage.Stage getCurrentWindow()
        Returns the current JavaFX Stage being displayed. Can be used (e.g.) as a "parent" frame for positioning modal dialogs. If there is a package currently open, it's probably better to use its BPackage.getWindow() method to provide better placement.
        A Stage object representing the current JavaFX Stage object
      • setMenuGenerator

        public void setMenuGenerator​(MenuGenerator menuGen)
        Installs a new menu generator for this extension.
        menuGen - a new MenuGenerator, null to delete a previously installed menu.
      • getMenuGenerator

        public MenuGenerator getMenuGenerator()
        Returns the currently registered menu generator
      • setPreferenceGenerator

        public void setPreferenceGenerator​(PreferenceGenerator prefGen)
        Installs a new preference panel for this extension.
        prefGen - a class instance that implements the PreferenceGenerator interface, null to delete a previously installed preference panel.
      • getPreferenceGenerator

        public PreferenceGenerator getPreferenceGenerator()
        Returns the currently registered preference generator.
      • addExternalFileLaunchers

        public final void addExternalFileLaunchers​(java.util.List<ExternalFileLauncher> launchers)
        Appends a list of ExternalFileLauncher objects in BlueJ's list of external file launchers. This method must be called within Extension.startup(BlueJ) for BlueJ to be able to retrieve the launcher(s). Calling it anywhere else will produce no effect in BlueJ. Adding launchers will not replace previously added launchers by the extension. Note that for a same external file type, the last extension loaded by BlueJ will overwrite a previously register launcher. Therefore, there is no guarantee that this extension's launcher will not be overwritten by another extension..
        launchers - a list of ExternalFileLauncher to be registered in BlueJ.
      • getSystemLibDir

        public getSystemLibDir()
        Returns the path of the <BLUEJ_HOME>/lib system directory. This can be used to locate system-wide configuration files. A file can then be located within this directory.
      • getUserConfigDir

        public getUserConfigDir()
        Returns the path of the user configuration directory. This can be used to locate user dependent information. A file can then be located within this directory.
      • getDataCollectionUniqueID

        public java.lang.String getDataCollectionUniqueID()
        Returns the data-collection user ID. Used by extensions that aim to augment the BlueJ data collection project.
        the user ID, as read from the properties file.
      • getBlueJPropertyString

        public java.lang.String getBlueJPropertyString​(java.lang.String property,
                                                       java.lang.String def)
        Returns a property from BlueJ's properties.
        property - the name of the required global property
        def - the default value to use if the property cannot be found.
        The requested property's value, or the default value if the property is not currently set.
      • getExtensionPropertyString

        public java.lang.String getExtensionPropertyString​(java.lang.String property,
                                                           java.lang.String def)
        Returns a property associated with this extension from the standard BlueJ property repository. Extensions must use setExtensionPropertyString(String, String) to write any property that should be stored.
        property - the name of the required global property.
        def - the default value to use if the property cannot be found.
        The value of that property, or the default value if the property is not currently set.
      • setExtensionPropertyString

        public void setExtensionPropertyString​(java.lang.String property,
                                               java.lang.String value)
        Sets a property associated with this extension into the standard BlueJ property repository. The property name does not need to be fully qualified since a prefix will be prepended to it.
        property - the name of the required global property
        value - the required value of that property (or null to remove the property)
      • getLabel

        public java.lang.String getLabel​(java.lang.String key)
        Returns the language-dependent label with the given key. The search order is to look first in the extension's label files and if the requested label is not found in the BlueJ system label files. Extensions' labels are stored in a Property format and must be jarred together with the extension. The path searched is equivalent to the bluej/lib/[language] style used for the BlueJ system labels. E.g. to create a set of labels which can be used by English, Italian and German users of an extension, the following files would need to be present in the extension's Jar file:
        The files named label would contain the actual label key/value pairs.
        key - the name of the required label
        The label value.
      • addExtensionEventListener

        public void addExtensionEventListener​(ExtensionEventListener listener)
        Registers a listener for all the events generated by BlueJ.
        listener - an ExtensionEventListener object to register.
      • removeExtensionEventListener

        public void removeExtensionEventListener​(ExtensionEventListener listener)
        Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives events.
        listener - an ExtensionEventListener object to unregister.
      • addApplicationListener

        public void addApplicationListener​(ApplicationListener listener)
        Registers a listener for application events.
        listener - an ApplicationListener object to register.
      • removeApplicationListener

        public void removeApplicationListener​(ApplicationListener listener)
        Removes the listener specified listener so that it no longer receives application events.
        listener - an ApplicationListener object to unregister.
      • addPackageListener

        public void addPackageListener​(PackageListener listener)
        Registers a listener for package events.
        listener - an PackageListener object to register.
      • removePackageListener

        public void removePackageListener​(PackageListener listener)
        Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives package events.
        listener - an PackageListener object to unregister.
      • addCompileListener

        public void addCompileListener​(CompileListener listener)
        Registers a listener for compile events.
        listener - an CompileListener object to register.
      • removeCompileListener

        public void removeCompileListener​(CompileListener listener)
        Removes the specified listener so that it no longer receives compile events.
        listener - an CompileListener object to unregister.
      • removeInvocationFinishedListener

        public void removeInvocationFinishedListener​(InvocationFinishedListener listener)
        Removes the specified listener so no that it no longer receives invocation finished events.
        listener - an InvocationFinishedListener object to unregister.
      • addClassListener

        public void addClassListener​(ClassListener listener)
        Registers a listener for class events.
        listener - an ClassListener object to register.
      • removeClassListener

        public void removeClassListener​(ClassListener listener)
        Removes the specified class listener so no that it no longer receives class events.
        listener - an ClassListener object to unregister.
      • setScopeHighlightStrength

        public void setScopeHighlightStrength​(int strength)
        Sets the scope highlighting strength across all Java editors. This is how opaque or transparent the coloured boxes are that appear for classes, methods, control flow constructs, etc. *
        strength - The highlighting strength: 0 means off, 20 means full, and then it's a sliding scale inbetween.
        Extension API 3.2 (BlueJ 5.0.2)